Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Where Did I Put Those Math Manipulatives?

Tuesdays will be Math day on the blog. We will be talking about math materials, manipulatives and activities to use with your children. I will try very hard to have a variety of activities that can be used with a variety of materials and grade levels.

One of the hardest things about math is the stuff. Where do I keep it? How do I retrieve it when I need it? How do I organize it? These are just a few of the issues with those pesky math manipulatives. 

And I have the answer for you!  Alphabetical order! 

I discovered this at a frustrating moment at Walmart when I couldn’t find something I was looking for. I thought if they would just organize this store in alphabetical order then you could find what you were looking for! And then it hit me...Linda, if you would organize stuff/manipulatives in alphabetical order you could find it too.

So, I hunted and gathered 26+ pull out drawer tubs and labeled them with each letter of the alphabet. Some letters can be combined and other letters need more than one tub. You know your stuff the best so you have to make those decisions. Collect the containers and then start sorting. You have to sort how YOU WILL FIND IT. It has to make sense to YOU! That is the only way it will work...and it is a miracle. Now when I need buttons, balloons, bubbles, or beans I simply go to the “B” tub and there they are!!!

See you next Tuesday for more Math...and keep on Doing the Teacher Dance!

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